Sam Hitchman 2022
Sam Hitchman 2022
An artist named Sam Hitchman in the woods of Felicity, Ohio. Made Cara his marketing manger in the summer of 2022. Sam’s art work is delicate, colorful, and eye catching. Cara’s focus was on Sam’s online presence, bringing in new customers and developing a voice for Sam’s brand.
Case Study
Cara’s role as Sam’s marketing manger was to focus on his online presence. Cara worked independently building a brand guide, creating touch points and writing SEO for his future Etsy Store. This was a 3 month long project and in that time Cara set up a brand guide, redesigned his website, created additional touch points, and laid ground work for an online Etsy store.
Where it started
Cara consulted Sam about his current needs and what he was expecting of her as the manger of his online platform. The first thing discussed was what his goal was. The goal was to begin groundwork for an Esty store and to get more involved with an online presence. Sam did not raise concerns about his brand. However, Cara thought it would be a good idea to refine his brand, to help give a consistent online presence and message to his viewers.
Sam had devloped a logo for his brand years back but did not have a solid brand guide. Cara with her Fine Art’s background understood the importance of having an identity as an artist that resonates with your audience but is also not disingenuous of oneself.
Cara took inspiration from the colors of his glazes, the nature around his studio, the shapes of his ceramics, and the ideas of what Sam thought his brand would be.
At the end of it the goal was to have a welcoming vibe of a burly guy who makes pots in the woods.
The colors that we’re chosen we’re based off the glazes of his ceramics. Sam has mixed his own glazes so all the names and colors we’re devloped by him over his 15+ years experiences as a ceramics artist.
Patterns are something one can see throughout Sam’s work. Cara was inspired by the area in Felicity, Ohio and wanted to touch upon the nature Sam surrounds around himself while in his creative process.
Touch Points
Part of the projects focus was on how consumers would interact with Sam’s brand and how best he stay at the top of their minds. His major interaction points are booths at art shows, his website, galleries, and social media. For his touch points Cara focused on his Catalog which he sends out as a PDF to members of his news letters. His website where people can see what galleries and shows he is attending. An Etsy store where he could see additional ceramics in the off months of January-April.
Etsy Store
Typographical layouts we’re something Cara tried to focus on especially since she was working on Sam’s catalog as well as website. She replaced his pervious two script fonts in his catalog with a decorative header font and a sanserif body font to make his catalogs and website more accessible to all art lovers.